
Ar-Dales had 6 1/2 squares, made up of members from 12 clubs, at our December dance.  The Sprosty Twins and Ken LaBau made the dance very entertaining for all the dancers.  Donations were collected for  the local food shelf.  Celebrities in attendance included Janet Sahlstrom, Federation President and Bob Meyer, SDM Secretary.  Royalty attending included Cathy Oster from Bloomington Swirlers, Mavis Johnson from County Line, Leslie Knutson of Dakota Grand Squares, Janet Sahlstrom of Dan’se PAC, and Sharon Dohrmann of Ar-Dales.

The theme of our next dance will be Western Hoedown.  Join us on Sunday, January 11, dance to Larry Fruetel, and enjoy sandwiches with some very tasty baked beans.