Maternity of Mary Church

Maternity of Mary Church 1414 Dale St N, St Paul

Demo Square Dance (Caller Rick Larson – Meal at 11:30 am - church provides entrées but desserts would be welcome; "Demo" 12:30 pm). Angels much appreciated.

Single Circles

Hollywood Hayhouse 15885 County Road 122, Watertown

"Hollywood Hayhouse" Square Dance (Caller Larry Johansen - "Mainstream" 2:00-4:30 pm), potluck dinner following the dance.  Single Circles Flier

Pairs & Squares

Battle Lake Senior Center 205 Main St W, Battle Lake

"Favorite T-Shirt" Square Dance (Caller Roger McNeil – “Mainstream” 7:00-9:00 pm; Cuer Bernadette McNeil - "Rounds" between tips), potluck.